The Lord then addressed the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Satatasamitâbhiyukta (i.e. ever and constantly strenuous). Any one, young man of good family, who shall keep, read, teach, write this Dharmaparyâya or have it written, let that person be a young man of good family or a young lady?, shall obtain eight hundred good qualities of the eye, twelve hundred of the ear, eight hundred of the nose, twelve hundred of the tongue, eight hundred of the body, twelve hundred of the mind s. By these many hundred good qualities the whole of the six organs shall be perfect, thoroughly perfect. By means of the natural, carnal eye derived from his parents being perfect, he shall see the whole triple universe,
i Dharmabhânakânrisamsâh. The use of ânrisamsa, as a synonym to guna, is not limited to Buddhist writings, as we see from the inscription at Bassac in Camboja, st. 18. It is, of course, the Páli ânisamsa,
• The words or a young lady' are wanting in my MS., but Burnouf's text had them, and from the sequel it would seem that they have to be added. It is certainly remarkable that we find mention being made of female preachers, who may be compared with the brahmavâdinîs of ancient times, and, further up, with the wise women of the Teutons, the Velledas and Völvas, the Pythonissas of the Greeks, and the Valians of the Indian Archipelago.
* We may also render, of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and thought.
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