While this exposition of the duration of the Tathagata's lifetime was being given, innumerable, countless creatures profited by it. Then the Lord addressed the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Maitreya : While this exposition of the duration of the Tathagata's lifetime was being given, Agita, sixty-eight hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas, comparable to the sands of the Ganges", have acquired the faculty to acquiesce in the law that has no origin. A thousand times more Bodhisattvas Mahâsattvas have obtained Dharani?; and other Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas, equal to the dust atoms of one third of a macrocosm, have by hearing this Dharmaparyaya obtained the faculty of unhampered view. Other Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas again, equal to the dust atoms of two-third parts of a macrocosm, have by hearing this Dharmaparyaya obtained the Dharani that makes hundred thousand kotis of revolutions.
1 Ashtashashtinâm Ganga Bodhisatvakofinayutasatasahasrânâm. Burnouf connects ashtashashtinâm with Ganga, and translates,
soixante huit Ganges.' His version is justified by the analogy of other passages.
Dharanî usually denotes a magic spell, a talisman. Here and there it interchanges with dhâranâ, support, the bearing in mind, attention. The synonymous rakshâ embraces the meanings of talisman and protection, support. It is not easy to decide what is intended in the text.
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