never before explained. And the Tathāgata bestows on all disciples the noble crown jewel, that most exalted crown jewel which brings omniscience to all. For this, Mañgusrf, is the supreme preaching of the Tathagatas; this is the last Dharmaparyâya of the Tathagatas; this is the most profound discourse on the law, a Dharmaparyâya meeting opposition in all the world. In the same manner, Mañgusri, as that king of righteousness and ruler of armies took off the crown jewel which he had kept so long a time and gave it (at last) to the soldiers, so, Mañgusrt, the Tathagata now reveals this long-kept mystery of the law exceeding all others, (the mystery) which must be known by the Tathagatas.
And in order to elucidate this matter more in detail, the Lord on that occasion uttered the following stanzas:
45. Always displaying the strength of charity, always filled with compassion for all creatures, expounding this law, the Sugatas have approved this exalted Satra.
46. The laymen, as well as the mendicant friars, and the Bodhisattvas who shall live at the end of time, must all show the strength of charity, lest those who hear the law reject it.
47. But I, when I shall have reached enlightenment and be established in Tathagataship, will initiate (others), and after having initiated disciples? preach everywhere this superior enlightenment.
48. It is (a case) like that of a king, ruler of armies, who gives to his soldiers various things, gold, elephants, horses, cars, foot soldiers; he also
Tato upaneshyi upâyayitvå samsråvayishye imam agrabodhim.
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