towards the Lord and remained gazing up to him, all pre-occupied with the same thought, viz. of this very Buddha-knowledge: Should we also receive a prediction of our destiny to supreme and perfect enlightenment.
Then the Lord addressed the venerable Ånanda in these words : Thou, Ananda, shalt in future become a Tathagata by the name of Sagaravaradharabuddhivikriditâbhigña!, an Arhat, &c., endowed with science and conduct, &c. After having honoured, respected, venerated, and worshipped sixty-two kotis of Buddhas, kept in memory the true law of those Buddhas and received this command, thou shalt arrive at supreme and perfect enlightenment, and bring to full ripeness for supreme, perfect enlightenment twenty hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas similar to the sands of twenty Ganges ?. And thy Buddha-field shall consist of lapis lazuli and be superabundant. The sphere shall be named Anavanâmita-vaigayanta and the Æon Manogñasabdâbhigargita. The lifetime of that Lord Sågaravaradharabuddhivikriditâbhigña, the Tathâgata, &c., shall measure an immense number of Æons, Æons
1 The epithet Sâgaravaradharavipulabuddhi, i.e. having the great intelligence of Sågaravaradhara, is bestowed on the Bodhisativa destined to be born as Sâkyamuni, Lalita-vistara, p. 10. As the next preceding epithet, l. c. mahâpadmagarbhekshana, seems to point to the sun, I infer that Sagaravara, the choicest of oceans, denotes Soma, and Sagaravaradhara, the keeper of that ocean, the moon.
? According to the reading vimsatim Gangânadîvâlikopamâni; var. lect. has vimsati-Gangao, so that Burnouf's rendering 'égal à celui des sables de vingt fleuves du Gange' is admissible. On the other hand it must be remarked that we shall meet in the sequel with the phrase bahồni Gangånadiválikopamâni Buddhakofinagutasata sahasrani.
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