VIII, 413.
413. But a Sudra, whether bought or unbought, he may compel to do servile work; for he was created by the Self-existent (Svayambha) to be the slave of a Brâhmana.
414. A Sadra, though emancipated by his master, is not released from servitude; since that is innate in him, who can set him free from it ?
415. There are slaves of seven kinds, (viz.) he who is made a captive under a standard, he who serves for his daily food, he who is born in the house, he who is bought and he who is given, he who is inherited from ancestors, and he who is enslaved by way of punishment.
416. A wife, a son, and a slave, these three are declared to have no property; the wealth which they earn is (acquired) for him to whom they belong.
413. 'Whether bought or unbought,' i. e. ' whether maintained in consideration of service or not' (Gov., Kull., Ragh.), or whether bought or hired' (När.).
414. Medh. says that the last clause is an arthavâda, because further on it will be shown that a slave can be emancipated.' Kull. thinks that an emancipated Sadra must still serve Brâhmanas or other Aryans in order to gain spiritual merit.
415. Medh. rejects the notion that a captive Kshatriya can be made a slave, and thinks that a captured Sadra must be meant; but see Yagn. II, 183, where it is laid down that Kshatriyas may become the slaves of Brahmanas and Vaisyas of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas. Nâr. explains dhvagâhritah, one made a captive under a standard,' by one who has become a slave by marrying a female slave.' 'Enslaved by way of punishment,'i.e. because he cannot pay a debt or a fine' (Medh., Gov., Kull., Râgh.), or also because he left a religious order' (see Vi. V, 152), (Nár., Nand.)
416. According to Medh., Gov., Kull., Râgh., the verse means only that these persons are unable to dispose of their property independently. Nâr's short note (adhigakkhamti parakarmakaranâdina) seems to indicate that he took it to refer to their incapacity to earn money by working for others.
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