III, 123.
120. A king and a Srotriya, who come on the performance of a sacrifice, must be honoured with the honey-mixture, but not if no sacrifice is being performed; that is a settled rule.
121. But the wife shall offer in the evening (a portion) of the dressed food as a Bali-oblation, without (the recitation of) sacred formulas; for that (rite which is called the) Vaisvadeva is prescribed both for the morning and the evening.
122. After performing the Pitriyagña, a Brahmana who keeps a sacred fire shall offer, month by month, on the new-moon day, the funeral sacrifice (Srâddha, called) Pindânvâhâryaka.
123. The wise call the monthly funeral offering to the manes Anvâhârya (to be offered after the
120. According to one opinion, given by Medh., and according to Gov., Kull., Nâr., this rule is a limitation of verse 119, and means that the two persons mentioned shall not receive the honeymixture, except when they come during the performance of a sacrifice, however long a period may have elapsed since their last visit. According to another explanation, mentioned by Medh., and according to Nand. and Râgh., the verse means that a king and a Srotriya, who come before a year since their last visit elapsed, on the occasion of a sacrifice, shall receive the madhuparka. The term Srotriya refers according to Medh. to a Snâtaka or to an officiating priest, according to others quoted by him to all the persons mentioned in the preceding verse, according to Gov., Kull., Nâr., and Râgh. to a Snâtaka. The latter is probably the correct opinion, as a Srotriya, i. e. one who knows a whole recension of the Veda, must be a Snâtaka. Medh. approves of the reading yagiakarmany upasthite.
121. Nand. omits this verse.
122. Yagi. I, 217; Gaut. XV, 2. The sacrifice intended by the term Pitriyagña, 'sacrifice offered to the fathers,' is the socalled Pindapitriyagña, a Srauta rite (Âsvalâyana, Srauta-sûtra II, 6-7), and Pindânvâhâryaka is another name for the monthly Srâddha.
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