II, 34.
34. In the fourth month the Nishkramana (the first leaving of the house) of the child should be performed, in the sixth month the Annaprâsana (first feeding with rice), and optionally (any other) auspicious ceremony required by (the custom of) the family.
35. According to the teaching of the revealed texts, the Kûdâkarman (tonsure) must be performed, for the sake of spiritual merit, by all twice-born men in the first or third year.
36. In the eighth year after conception, one should perform the initiation (upanâyana) of a Brâhmana, in the eleventh after conception (that) of a Kshatriya, but in the twelfth that of a Vaisya.
37. (The initiation) of a Brâhmana who desires proficiency in sacred learning should take place in the fifth (year after conception), (that) of a Kshatriya who wishes to become powerful in the sixth, (and that) of a Vaisya who longs for (success in his) business in the eighth,
38. The (time for the) Sâvitri (initiation) of a
difference between 'auspiciousness' (mangala) and 'benediction' (âsîrvâda), and that the latter word has been added merely in order to complete the verse.
34. Asv. Grzhya-sûtra I, 16; Pâraskara I, 17, 5; 19, 1-6. The last clause, which permits the adoption of particular family-customs, refers, according to Medh., Gov., and Kull., to all sacraments.
35. Asv. Grihya-sûtra I, 17, 1; Pâraskara II, 1. Nâr. and Nand. explain dharmatah, 'for the sake of spiritual merit,' by 'according to the law of the family' (see Asv. Grihya-sutra, loc. cit.).
36-37. Ap. I, 1, 5, 8-21; Gaut. I, 5-14; Vas. II, 3; XI, 49-73; Baudh. I, 3, 7-12; Vi. XXVII, 15-28; Yâgñ. I, 14.
37. As the commentators point out, the person who has the particular wish is not the boy, but his father.
38-40. Ap. I, 1, 22-2, 10; Gaut. XXI, 11; Vas. XI, 74–79;
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