preciousness, to the people; and the knowledge of the good works that mankind perform in life, and have not been able to bring to hand without trouble (mi'hnat), I have made clear and plain unto thee; and I have made thee aware of the whole of knowledge. 9. I have taught it to thee in the Avesta, in a language that no one in the world considers plain and easy; and I have told thee its interpretation (zand) in a language that is more current among mankind, and thou likewise hast more eloquence (faz'h) therein.
10. While thou hast all this greatness that I have given to thee, O Zaratust! I enact a precept for thee, that “every good work which thou art able to do to-day do not postpone for to-morrow, and accomplish with thine own hand the counsel of thine own soul.” 11. Do not be proud (gharrah) on the score that it is still the time of youth, and it is quite possible to do it hereafter, while thou thinkest thus : "I will do it after this.” 12. For there have been many people whose remaining life was one day, and they have been taken away in the presence of fifty years' works.
13. Therefore, make an effort, so that thou mayest not postpone to-day's duty for to-morrow. 14. Because Aharman, the evil wicked one, has intrusted two fiends with this matter, the name of one is Tardy (dêr) and the name of the other is Afterwards (pas). 15. Both these fiends are united, and they
1 B29 has the knowledge that mankind practise.' * Lp, B29 have taught the whole of knowledge.'
8 It is quite uncertain whether Hôrmazd's exhortation ends here, or elsewhere.
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