5. Then they recite the Kem-nâ-mazda”, for, every time that they wish to recite anything as an inward prayer, it is necessary that the hands be washed with ceremonial ablution?, and, if they are not, the Avesta is not accepted, and the fiend of corruption (nasus) does not rush away, and it becomes a Tanâvar sin.
CHAPTER LI. 1. The fifty-first subject is this, that it is incumbent on every one to send a child to school, and to teach it something. 2. Because every duty and good work that a child performs is just as though the father and mother had performed it with their own hands. 3.
Therefore it is necessary to make an effort, so that they may teach them something good, and make them aware of good works and sin; for they are doing that on account of their own souls, so that those children may be courageous in doing good works.
43. If they are not taught, they then perform less duty and good works, and less reaches the souls of the father and mother. 5. And it also happens that if they do not deliver children to school, and do not teach them anything, and they become bold in committing sin, that sino becomes fixed on the necks of the father and mother. 6. Therefore they have decided rightly who teach
See Chap. XXXV, 2 n, which chapter, as well as Chap. LXXIV, treats of nearly the same subject.
2 As described in $8 2-4. 8 Lp, B29 insert because.' • B29 has that commission of sin.' • B29 has 'rightly for the children, at the time when they.'
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