CHAPTER XXXV. 1. The thirty-fifth subject is this, that, when they wish to wash the face', they should recite one Ashemvohů?, and set the mouth firmly closed, so that the water, not staying away from its, shall not go into the mouth. 2. And, as one washes over the face, they should recite the Kem-nâ-mazda“, so that the fiend Nasrust may become smitten.
Chapter XXXVI. 1. The thirty-sixth subject is this, that it is strictly incumbent on mankind, on mano and woman, to perform the Bareshnům ceremony?, because mankind feed on menstruous matter in the womb of the mother. 2. For that reason it is necessary to perform the Bareshnům once, so that one may become pure from that pollution. 3. For if one becomes fifteen years of age, and does not perform the Bareshnûm, whatever he puts a hand on, the glory and purity of that thing will diminish; and it
Compare Chaps. L, LXXIV. ? See Chap. VII, 1 n. B29 omits these five words. • A stanza of the Ustavaiti Gâtha (Yas. XLV, 7) beginning with those three words (see SBE, vol. xviii, p. 443).
6 Or nisrûst, contamination' (see Sls. X, 32); probably the same as the demon Nas or Nasu (see Bd. XXVIII, 29). Also mentioned in Chap. XXXVI, 7. 6 B29 omits 'on man.'
A tedious ceremony of purification that lasts nine nights (see SBE, vol. xviii, pp. 431-453). Its name is Av. (acc.) bareshnûm, 'top' of the head, the first part of the body to be washed.
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