CHAPTER XXII, 4-xxv, 4.
287 knowledge may more abundantly get to it, and the want (ablat) of them may come more scantily
upon it.
2. If, at that time, they do not perform the consecration, they should take forth a little Hôm for it?, and recites a Yathå-ahû-vairyoʻ, and put a trifle of water into it, and make Hôm-juice of that, and give it to the infant, and afterwards.5 milk.
CHAPTER XXV. 1. The twenty-fifth subject is this, that any agreement and promise (qaal) they make with any one it is necessary so far to perform and bring to pass. 2. Although many things may go to harm by means (sabab) of it, it is not desirable to perform that agreement with duplicity.
3. Because, in our religion, they call this a Mihirdrug (breach of promise'), and in revelation it decrees, as to any one who commits a Mihir-drug, that the way to heaven becomes closed for him, and that person himself goes discomforted out of this world, so that a warning ('halâ mat) becomes quite manifest unto him.
4. And a Mihir-drug is attached in such a manner that, if fortune (tâli’h) may have befallen any one 8
1 B29 omits these eleven words. * B29 adds in the Hôm-mortar.' 3 B29 adds and utter.'
See Mkh. XXVII, 70 n. * Lp, B29 insert they are to give.' • Lp, B29 have come.'
? Lp, B29 have understood,' and another copy in B29 has 'considered.'
& Who has broken his promise.
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