9. And, secondly, the kindness (lutf) and generosity (karm) of the sacred being, the most high", are manifest from this, that he created us with each member (alat) complete (tamâm), and did not keep anything from the maternal nature. 10. And whatever was necessary for use he gave us. 11. At the head, likewise, he appointed a master, which is the wisdom for the purpose that they may keep these members in action.
12. May the peace of the sacred being, the most high, be on the souls of those acquainted with the religion of the pure Zaratust, the Spitamân, and of those who are pure and virtuous. 13. For the souls of those persons it is desirable that every duty they perform they shall perform through the authority (dastârt) of the wisdom of the high-priests :.
CHAPTER I. 1. The first subject is this, that it is necessary that they become steadfast in the religion, and do not introduce any hesitation (sakk) and doubt into the heart. 2. And that they make a statement (haqiqat) with confidence (i'h tiqad), that the good religion, the true and perfect, which the Lord sent into the world (halq), is that which Zaratust has brought; which is this I holde
3. Every time that mankind are like this, and do
? Lp, B29, J15 omit this epithet. ? J15 has 'who possessed.'
* For $$ 12, 13 Lp, B29, J15 have merely the following :-'And peace is possible for that person who does every duty that he performs, through the authority of the high-priests.'
Lp, B29 omit these five words. Lp, B29 have for every time.'
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