without the command of the father", (73) which is a demonstration of these statements, that the original evolution is single and all things are by his will.
74. Now for what purpose was the Messiah appointed, who is his son; and which way is the demonstration, through that, of his (the father's) being unwilling ; (75) when all is by his will, and nothing whatever is said about his being unwilling ? 76. Even this is evident from the same explanation, that the Jews slew the Messiah, who is his son, through the will of the father.
77. Again, he speaks inconsistently about the free will (âzâd-kâmih) of the faithful, (78) that mankind are produced by him with free will. 79.
Thus the iniquity of the sin which mankind commit is freely willed, (80) and the freedom of will was produced by him himself for mankind. 81. That implies that it is fitting to consider him likewise a sinner who is the original cause of sin. 82. If mankind commit sin and crime by their own free will through the will of the sacred being, (83) through what free will and sin are the sin and crime of the lion, serpent, wolf, and scorpion-the stinging and slaying noxious creatures—which are the natural actions that ever proceed from them?
84. So also, who has maintained the origin of the deadly poison which is in the Bêsh herbs and other species of plants, the cause of which is not owing to free will ? 85. If they say that those poisons
i Compare Mat. x. 29, 30:- Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.'
· Literally demonstrator.'
• A poisonous plant, Napellus Moysis (see Bd. XIV, 22, XXVII, I).
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