at various periods, (149) and I consider it, in every way, a senseless, ignorant, and foolish statement.
150. On this subject, on account of tediousness, thus much is considered complete.
CHAPTER XIV. 1. My desire is also that I write a story (nisang-I) out of the accompanying inconsistency and full delusion of the same scripture, (2) that is full of every iniquity and demonism ; and I will disclose a summary of one part out of a thousand of what is declared thereby, (3) so as to notice the commands therein.
4. First, this is what he says about his own nature, (5) that is, 'I am the Lord, seeking vengeance (6) and retaliating vengeance', (7) and I retaliate vengeance sevenfold upon the children(8) and one does not forget my original vengeance.' (9). Another place states that, 'having acquired wrath and grievous thoughts, (10) his lips are also full of indignation“, (11) his tongue is like a blazing fire, (12) and his breath (vâyâ) is like a river of rapid water (arvand nâk)". 13. His voice, too, as though for causing
1.To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence' (Deut. xxxii. 35). Or, as it is quoted in Rom. xii. 19, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.'
3 "Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold' (Gen. iv. 15).
s Perhaps ayâftak is a misreading of â shuftak,' distracted by.' 4 Literally venom.'
6 Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy; his lips are full of
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