or else it is this, that the light was concealed in the darkness.
90. As I have said?, it is evident that it is of no use to give a command, except to a performer of commands, (91) so that it should be that the light existed, and then the command was expedient and given.
92. Again, I ask this, as to these creatures and creations, sky and earth of his, since they were prepared and produced by him in six days, (93) and the seventh he reposed (khaspid) therefrom, (94) then, when this world was not produced by him from anything, but merely arose by his command, 'thou shalt arise,' and it was so, (95) to what was that delay of his of six days owing ? 96. For when his trouble is merely as much as to say thou shalt arise,' the existence of that delay of six days is very ill-seeming. 97. It is also not suitable for trouble to arise for him therefrom. 98. If it be possible to make the non-existent exist, and he be capable of it, it is possible to produce it even a long time back. 99. And if he be incapable of producing except in the period of a day, it is not fitting to speak of his producing it from nothing.
100. And, again, I ask this, that is, when the number of the days should be known from the sun, whence then is the number of the day, besides the names of the days, known before the creation of the sun ? 101. For they say that the sun was produced by him on the fourth day, which is itself Wednesday 3.
1 In $ 79.
? See $$ 12, 13. 3 Pâz, kihar sumbad, Sans. katuhsanais karîya. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the
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