CHAPTER X.. 1. Another subject is about the deliberating of the deliberators on unity, from which even the preparation of the duality is manifested.
2. It should be known, that whoever wishes to understand a creator, except when he gives trouble to his own life, (3) should meditate reverently!. 4. First, he fully understands his own body and soul, (5) that is, who produced them, out of what, and for what purpose ? 6. Also, who is his accuser and adversary; (7) and who is his friend and helper ? 8. Likewise, who instigates him to commit crime, (9) of what nature is he, (10) and how is it possible to escape him?
11. Then he is not able to understand him? as the creator through his nature and his coming to himself. 12. For when he bore the name of creator, then, with it, he brought these three creations :-(13) creation, religion, and soul. 14. Because the name of creator is known from the occurrence of creation. 15. This implies that the creator of the creation created the creations for duty, (16) but does not release them from duty. 17. And the duty of the creatures is to understand and perform the will of the creator, (18) and to abstain from what is disliked by him. 19. To act by the will of the creator, and to abstain from what is disliked by him, is to preserve the soul. 20. The will of the creator is not under
1 See Chap. VIII, 137 n. His accuser and instigator.
9 All MSS. have "he bore these three names;' but Nêr. has evidently misread sem, name,' instead of dâm, créature,' both words being written alike in Pahlavi.
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