champions susceptible to sight, are those who are within the limits of analogyl and the certain information of multitudes, the demons who are the opponents of the sacred beings..
19. The existence of an opponent before the creation of the creatures, and his coming to the creatures (20) after the creation of the creatures, and also to the creator, are presented comprehensibly through reasons which are suitable’ and presentable, and through the provision of a remedy, a creation which is for a purpose. 21. This one statement (vâkak) possesses five arguments (sâm ân). 22. One is the being presented comprehensibly. 23. One is the being presented through reasons. 24. One is the reasons which are presentable and suitable that the creation existed. 25. One is the remedy appointed for the creation. 26. And one is the creation of the creatures of the creator for a purpose.
27. The existence of these five arguments is manifest through the creations and achievements themselves. 28. The presenting comprehensibly is wisely arranging the testimony of the effects of the creatures, (29) through the reasons presented, which are a declaration owing to the same sagacity. 30. The reason obtainable, that the creation existed, (31) with the arrangement of the creation so methodically, ought to arise from the suitable state of the
Referring. to the two kinds of evidence, direct and indirect, mentioned in $$ 5, 6.
? So in & 24 and in Sans., though Pâz. has obtainable' here.
* Assuming that the Pâz. a war dugâê of AK stands for Pahl. bar gôkâs (or gôkâsîh). MH19 has duvâê, and PB3, JE have dusâ ê, while Sans, means about the magnitude.'
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