it is explicitly manifest that the original evolutions are two, and not more; (102) and also this, that it is not possible for good to arise from evil, and evil from good.
103. From this, too, it is possible to understand", (104) that it is not possible for complete evil to arise from that thing which is filled with goodness. 105. If it be possible, then it is not full; (106) because any one thing, when said to be full, is no place for anything else; (107) and when there is no place for anything else, other things are not improved by it.
108. If the sacred being be perfect in goodness and wisdom, the folly and evil of any one are known not to arise from him. 109. If it be possible for them to arise from him, then he is not perfect. 110. If he be not perfect, it is not proper to glorify him for the sacredness of complete goodness. 111. If good and evil have crept on from the sacred being, he is imperfect in goodness. 112. If he be imperfect in goodness, he is imperfect in good information. 113. If he be imperfect in good information, so also he is imperfect in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, intellect, and other appliances of sagacity. 114. If he be imperfect in wisdom, understanding, intellect, and knowledge, he is imperfect in health. 115. If he be imperfect in health, he is apt to become sick. 116. If he be apt to become sick, he is imperfect in life.
117. If any one shall speak thus: 'I always see that from one nature, such as that of mankind, alike good and alike evil have always crept on, through actions owing to them,' (118) that is for this reason,
1 MH19 has 'to maintain.'
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