And if they attained to spirituality and a disembodied existence, it would not be possible for those creatures of Adharmazd to avoid and escape from that demoniacal venom of theirs. 20. It would be in the grasp (grôhê)and mingled with the breath (vâd) of mankind and the other creatures, and their restoration, support, increase, and growth would not be possible.
21. So theyề also keep those planets enveloped in light, because the fiendish venom of the noxious creatures is in the substance of those luminaries. 22. On account of that, too, the existence of somewhat of advantage is manifest from the serpent species, which are dissolving venom from the multitudes of other wild animals and noxious creatures 3. 23. So also from the planets; on account of the commingling of the inferior splendour of those luminaries, benefit is manifested by them.
24. A similitude of these planets and the benefit which they always bestow (25) is such as the brigands (gadugân)* and highwaymen who interrupt the path of traders in a caravan. 26. They abstract important things from many, (27) and do not grant and give them to the diligent and worthy, but to sinners, idlers, courtezans, paramours, and the unworthy.
28. Observe this, too, that this performance of good works which astrologers compute and state from those planets is for this reason, (29) when they have not preferred. the method of the divinities
1 Or grôhê mạy mean an assemblage.' · The angels of the luminaries.
: Which they eat, and thereby diminish the number of such objectionable creatures.
• See $ 10 n.
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