religion which the creator Adharmazd has taught to me.” 29. Aharman, when those words were heard by him, became confounded and stupefied, and rushed to hell, and remained confounded a long time.
30. “This, too, is declared that Adharmazd, when Aharman, by agreement, had further operated. ? with his (Adharmazd's) creatures and creation of every kind, afterwards formed an assembly with the angels and archangels of every kind, and the welfare (âvâdîh) due to his own wisdom was mentioned and recounted by him.
31. “This, too, is declared, that for the nine thousand years of renovation 4, until the resurrection and future existence, wisdom maintains and stimulates the creatures and creation of every kind.
32. 'And this, too, is declared, that, as to him who is an ignorant and bad-tempered man, when he attains even to much eminence, opulence, and authority, even then he is not fit to elevate into that welfare and authority.
of the priest while reciting certain parts of the liturgy (see Dd. XLIII, 5 n).
1 The covenant between the good and evil spirits, by which their conflict was limited to nine thousand years (see Bd. I, 18, 19).
% That is, transformed and vitiated them. The Av. frâkerentad (Vend. I, 7), describing the modifying work of the evil spirit upon the creation, is here expressed by frâgo vâdûnd.
s Such an assembly is mentioned in Vend. II, 42, but its proceedings are not stated.
So in all versions, but, as the renovation is generally considered as confined to the end of the nine thousand years, we ought perhaps to transpose the words and read for the nine thousand years, until the renovation, resurrection, and future existence.'
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