back of those 99,999 demons and fiends, witches and wizards, who are in opposition to the celestial sphere and constellations of the zodiac. 17. Its motion, also, is round about hell; (18) and its special business is this, as it were it holds the twelve signs of the zodiac by the hand, in their proper going and coming. 19. And those twelve constellations also proceed in like manner by the power and help. of Haptôk-ring 1; (20) and every single constellation, when it comes in at Albârz, provides support for Haptôk-ring ?, (21) and begs protection from Haptok
22. “The remaining unnumbered and innumerable constellations 3 which are apparent are said to be the guardian spirits of the worldly existences. 23. Because, as to the creatures and creations of every kind, that the creator Adharmazd created for the worldly existence, which are procreative and also which are developable (ârô disnik)“, for every single body there is apparent its own single guardian spirit of a like nature.
24. 'And the motion of the sun and moon is the special illumination of the world, (25) and the maturing of procreations and growths of all kinds. 26. And the correct keeping of the day, month, and year, summer and winter, spring and autumn, and other calculations and accounts of all kinds which men ought to obtain, perceive, and understand, (27)
constellation of Ursa Major seems to revolve around it, and to remain on the watch.
1 Written Haptâôrig in $$ 19-21 in K43. 2 L19 has 'holds to Haptôk-ring by the hand.' 3 L19 has 'stars.' 4 L19 has a zâisnî, “unprocreative.'
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