CHAPTER XXXIV. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus : · Has the creator Adharmazd produced the creation of anything whatever for the worldly existence", unto which Aharman is not able to bring disturbance ?'
3. The spirit of wisdom answered (4) thus : 'To him who is a wise and contented man it is but little possible to bring disturbance.'
CHAPTER XXXV. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus : How many are those people whom it is necessary to consider as rich, and how many are those who are
3. The spirit of wisdom answered (4) thus: 'These are the people it is necessary to consider as rich :(5) one is he who is perfect in wisdom; (6) the second, whose body is healthy, and he lives fearlessly; (7) the third, who is content with that which has come; (8) the fourth, he whose destiny is a helper in virtue; (9) the fifth, who is well-famed in the eyes of the sacred beings, and by the tongues of the good; (10) the sixth, whose trust is on this one, pure, good religion of the Mazda-worshippers; (11) and the seventh, whose wealth is from honesty.
12. 'And these are the people to be considered as poor :-(13) one is he with whom there is no wisdom; (14) the second, whose body is not healthy; (15) the third, who lives in his fear, terror?, and falsehood; (16) the fourth, who is not ruling in his
? L19 omits these four words.
? L19 omits terror.'
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