3. The spirit of wisdom answered (4) thus : 'It is necessary to keep a young serving-boy (rasik), a wife, a beast of burden, and a fire with more protection and more regard.'
CHAPTER XXX. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus: Which of any living existence (zivêndag-I) is the worse? 3. And in wisdom who is the more unforeseeing? ?'
4. The spirit of wisdom answered (5) thus: 'A life of him is the worse, who lives in fear and falsehoods. 6. And in wisdom he is the more unforeseeing, who does not provide for 4 the spiritual existence, and attends to the worldly one.'
CHAPTER XXXI. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus : What is the business of the priests, warriors, and husbandmen, each separately?'
3. The spirit of wisdom answered (4) thus: “The business of the priests is to maintain the religion properly; (5) and to perform the ceremonial and invocation of the sacred beings well and with atten
1 L19 has a young boy (redak).' * Literally, 'more unforeknowing (apasdânîktar)' L19 has more unapprovable (apasandasnîtar).' 8 See Chap. XIX, 6. * L19 has does not believe in.'
• The three classes which are often mentioned in the Avesta as constituting the Mazda-worshipping community. For their vices, see Chap. LIX.
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