Bêvarasp?, and the accursed Frâsiyâk of Tar1 was this, (35) that, if the dominion should not have come to Bêvarâsp and Frâsiyâk, the accursed evil spirit would then have given that dominion unto Aeshm?; (36) and when it would have come unto Aeshm, it would not have been possible to take it away from him till the resurrection and future existence, (37) for this reason, because he has no bodily existence 8.
38. 'And the advantage from Frêdan was this, (39) such as the vanquishing and binding of Az-i Dahâk, the Bêvarâspo, who was so grievously sinful. 40. And, again too, many demons of Mâzendar 6 were smitten by him, and expelled from the region of Khvanfras?..
41. 'And the advantage from Mânùskihar 8 was this, (42, 43) that, in revenge for Afrik, who was his grandfather, Salm and Tag were kept back by him from disturbing the world”. 44. From the land of
1 See Chap. VIII, 29. * The demon of wrath (see Chap. II, 115).
* And would, therefore, have continued to live and reign till the resurrection.
* See Chap. VIII, 27. He is said to have reigned for five hundred years (see Bd. XXXIV, 6), but this period includes the lives of ten generations of his descendants who did not reign (see Bd. XXXI, 14).
He is said to have been confined in Mount Dimâvand (see Bd. XXIX, 9).
See $ 20. ? The central region of the earth, containing all the countries best known to the Iranians, and supposed to be as large as the six outer regions united (see Bd. XI, 2-6).
8 The successor of Frêdûn, who reigned one hundred and twenty years (see Bd. XXXIV, 6). He was a descendant, in the tenth generation, from Aîrîk, one of the sons of Frédûn, who had been slain by his brothers Salm and Tag (see Bd. XXXI, 0-14).
• Lig has that he slew Salm and Tug, who were his great
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