and goodness and truth. 7. And everything can change, except good and bad nature. 8. A good nature cannot change to evil by any means what-+ ever, and a bad nature to goodness in any manner. 9. Adharmazd, on account of a good nature, approves no evil and falsehood; (10) and Aharman, on account of a bad nature, accepts no goodness and truth ; (11) and, on this account, there cannot be for them any peace and affection whatever, one with the other.'
CHAPTER XI. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus: 'Is wisdom good, or skill, or goodness ??'
3. The spirit of wisdom answered (4) thus : Wisdom with which there is no goodness, is not to be considered as wisdom; (5) and skill with which there is no wisdom, is not to be considered as skill.'
CHAPTER XII. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus : Wherefore is it when the treasure of the spiritual existence is allotted so truly, and that of the worldly existence so falsely ?'
3. The spirit of wisdom answered (4) thus : 'The treasure of the worldly existence was allotted as truly, in the original creation, as that of the spiritual existence. 5. And the creator, Adharmazd, provided the
1 L19 omits the last two words, but they are evidently referred to in the reply.
2 Literally, 'is.
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