Frêdùn? and Kâi-Us? of Allharmazd are created immortal, (28) and Aharman so altered them as is known. 29. And Aharman so contemplated that Bêvarâsps and Frâsiyâk+ and Alexander should be immortal, (30) but Adharmazd, for great advantage, so altered them as that which is declared.”
CHAPTER IX. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus : 'Is it possible to go from region to regiono, or not?
age, when he lost the royal glory (see Dd. XXXIX, 16, 17), and was overthrown by the foreign dynasty of Az-î Dahâk.
Av. Thraêta ona, who conquered Az-î Dahâk (see Chap. XXVII, 38-40, Yas. IX, 24-27). He was misled by Aharman into dividing his empire between his three sons, two of whom revolted and slew the third (see Chaps. XXI, 25, XXVII, 42).
2 Av. Kava Usan or Kavi Usadhan, the Kaî-Kâvûs of the Shâhnâmah, misread Kahộs in Pâzand. He was the second monarch of the Kayân dynasty, and made an unsuccessful attempt to reach heaven, mentioned in Bd. XXXIV, 7, to which he may be supposed to have been instigated by Aharman, but he was also unfortunate in many other enterprises.
SA title of Az-i Dahâk in the Shâhnâmah, literally, with a myriad horses.' This king, or dynasty, is said to have conquered Yim and reigned for a thousand years, but was overthrown by Fredûn. In the Avesta (Yas. IX, 25, âbân Yt. 34, Âf. Zarat. 3) Az-î Da hâk, the destructive serpent,' is described as hazangrayaokhsti, ‘with a thousand perceptions,' a term analogous to baêvare-spasana, with a myriad glances,' which is usually applied to Mithra, the angel of the sun. From this latter, if used for the former, bê varâsp might easily be corrupted.
Av. Frangrasyan, the Afrâsiyâb of the Shâhnâmah, a Tûrânian king who conquered the Irânians for twelve years during the reign of Mânûskîhar (see Bd. XXXIV, 6).
Alexander the Great, misread Arasangar by Nêr. 6 The earth is supposed to be divided into seven regions, of which the central one is as large as the other six united; two of
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