CHMP. 6. Further proofs of a similar description. . .
146 7. Proof of the existence of an injurer from the provision
made against him. . . .. . 8. Proofs of the same from the existence of evil 9. Proof of the existence of the opponent before the creation, and of his appearance afterwards . .
. .
. 162 10. Those who believe in the unity of creation, also believe in
a corrupting influence which is really another being. 166 II. The inconsistency of those who trace both good and evil
to a sacred being whose attributes are incompatible
with the latter ; with references to various scriptures. 173 12. Other inconsistencies in the assertions of various sects
regarding the sacred being . . . . . 202 13. Criticism of the Jewish account of the creation of the
universe and the fall of man, as given in the Old Testament . , .
. . . . 208 14. Other statements of the Old Testament and Jewish tradi
tion, regarding the sacred being, that are inconsistent
with his attributes . . . . . . . 221 16. Criticism of many statements of the Christian scriptures,
showing their inconsistency, and that some of them also
admit the existence of a separate originator of evil . 229 16. Criticism of some of the doctrines of the Mânîchaeans. 243
SAD DAR. . . . . . . 253 Introduction . .
. . . . . 255 1. Necessity of unwavering faith in the religion.
• 257 2. Sin not to be committed . . . .
• 258 3. Advantage of perseverance in industry. .
259 4. No one should despair of the mercy of Hôrmazd.. . 260 5. Advantage of Navazūd and Gêti-kharîd 6. The six indispensable good works .
264 7. Why we should recite certain formulas after sneezing265 8. Why high-priests must be obeyed · · · 9. The sin of unnatural intercourse to be punished, by any
one, by death on the spot . . 10. Reasons for wearing the sacred thread-girdle and tying it with four knots. .
. . . 268 11. Why a household fire should be properly maintained . 270 IR. Why the clothing of a corpse should be scanty and ald,
though many people must follow the bier . . . 272
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