Dahâk, demon, II, 298. n 1. See Azi 59, 141, 160, 163, 183, 197, 205, Dahâka.
221, 290, 291, 292, 306, 307, Dâhi countries, II, 227.
335. Dai, II, 6. n .
Drugaskan, demon, II, 334. n 5. Dâitîk river, 5. n 2, n 3.
Drvant, demon, lxvii, lxxii, lxxiv. Dâitya river, 15, 204; II, 30, 57, 78, Drvâspa, genius, II, 9, 17, 110-118, 80, 116, 117, 279, 282.
245. n. Dâityö-gâtu, xc, 113-116.
Drvau, II, 307. Daiwi, demon, 218.
Dualism, xliii, xliv. n 1, lvi, lxxi. Dakhmas, xc, 24, 26,52,73-74,86-88, Dûraệkaêta, man, II, 71. 94. n 3.
Dûsh-hûmat Hell, II, 317. n I. Damavand, mount, 2;11,59,61,95.n 2. Duzaka, animal, 152. Dâna, man, II, 296.
Duzyâirya, II, 107, 108. Danghu-frâdhah, man, II, 214. Dvarants, lxvii, 205. Danghu-srûta, man, II, 214.
Dvâzdah hômåst, II, 165. n 2. Dânus, men, II, 71, 189. Dârayat-ratha, man, II, 210.
Earth, worship of the, xci.n 3; genius Darega river, xlix, 205, 207.
of the, 11, 11, 19; what pleases Darius, II, 107.
and what grieves her, 21-33; Darsinika, man, II, 117, 280.
formulas to purify her, 140; how Dashtânistân, xciv, n 3, 180-183.
long unclean from the dead, Dâstâghni, man, II, 218.
66-67; Yast to the, II, 286. Dâstayana, man, II, 296.
Elements (worship of), liv. Dâtem, lxxviii. n 3.
Elisaeus on the Fire-worship, 50. n 3. Daungha, man, II, 204.
Ephialtes, II, 297. n 1. Dawrâmaệshi, man, II, 217.
Epic (the Persian), lv. Dâzgaragau, man, II, 219.
Eredat-fedhri,woman,II,195.n2,226. Dâzgarâspa, man, II, 209.
Eredhwa, man, II, 215. Dead matter, c, 49, 50.
Erekhsha, man, 11, 95, 103. Deva, lxxx.
Erenavâk,woman, 11,62,113,255,277. Dîn Yast, II, 264-269.
Erethe, genius, II, 11, 18, 282. Dinkart, xxxii; II, 159. n 3,170. n 3. Erezifya, mount, II, 65, 287. Diseases created by Ahriman, xciii, Erezisha, mount, II, 288.
230; cured by Thrita, 219-223; Erezraspa, man, II, 216. by Airyaman, 233-235. See Erezura, mount, II, 287. Medicine, Thraêtaona.
Erezvant-danghu, man, II, 218. Dis Het, place, II, 253. n 3.
Erskine, xxii. Disti, measure, 187.
'ETúpavopos, 8. n 2. Dizukht, II, 254.
Eudemos, liv. Dog, 58, 180; described, 151-172, Evil eye of Ahriman, 230. n 4.
161-163 ; praised, 163; how Evil-Thought Hell, II, 320. fed, 173; offences to, 153-155; - Word Hell, II, 320. mad, 159-160; yellow-eared, - Deed Hell, II, 320. lxxxviii. See Sagdid, Vanghapara, Vohunazga, Zairimyan- Farhangi Jehangiri, xxii. gura.
Farsistan, II, 123. n 3. Drafsa, II, 26. n 5.
Farvardin Yast, II, 179. Draona, 56. See Drôn.
Feridan, II, 297. n 5. Draoshisvau, mount, II, 288.
Fimbul winter, II. Drâtha, man, II, 210.
Firdausi quoted, 167. n 3; II, 58. n 1, Dregvant, demon, lxvii.
60. n 2, 62, n 2, n 4, 63. n 1, Dried corpse, 103.
64. 2, 66. n 2, n 11, 67. n 4, Driwi, demon, 218.
n 5, n 6, 68. n 3, 71, n 7, 8o. ni, Drôn ceremony, II, 319. n 1.
n6, n 7, 81. n 2, 114. n 2, 207. Drug, demon, lxxxvi, 24; her para- n 3, 208. n 2, 222. n 5, 223. n 5, mours, 196-200, 217; 11, 29, 47, 224. n 6, 237. n 3, 241, 02, [23]
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