Ahura Mazda, takes them away from afar;....2; and all those that harm the creation of the Good Spirit are destroyed 3 ;
52. Whom Mithra, and Rashnu Razista, and the Law of the worshippers of Mazda wish to be taken far away, longing for a man who is eager to perform and does perform the ceremonies he has been taught;...4
*Ashem Vohd: Holiness is the best of all good ....
VIII. 53. 'The words of the Vahistôisti e Gâtha are to be sung: “Happy is he, O holy Vistâspa ! happy the man, whoever he be, to whom Ahura Mazda gives the full accomplishment of his wishes.”
'Where does his soul abide on that night??'
54. Ahura Mazda answered : O my son, Frashaostra! It takes its seat near the head, singing the Ustavaiti Gâtha and proclaiming happiness : “Happy is he, happy the man whoever he be!”
'On the first night, his soul sits in Good Words 8 ;
1 The demons (see Vend. VIII, 80).
Nôit tat paiti vohu mano katha sisraya ayaka. The Pahlavi Commentary has: 'That is to say, good will happen to thee through the good will of Âtar (fire).'
s Te kinashanya (W.;-read taêka nashanya?); aigh harvaspîn bêshîtârân min spinâk mînôi dâmân lvît apêtâk avîn yahvânît (Pahl. Comm.).
• Yatha yat tê fravaokâmi (fravao kama, W.) puthrô berethyât sairimananām (sairi mananãm, W.) bakhedhrâi (translated as hak hedhrâi: dôstîh, friendship).
5 This chapter is borrowed, though slightly altered, from Yt. XXII.
& Read ustavaiti (? cf. $ 54 and Yt. XXII, 2): the Vahistôisti Gâtha is the fifth and last Gâtha.
? On the night of his departing. & Not in the Good-Word Paradise, to which he will go later
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