when his soul goes out of his body through the will of fate, when I, Ahura Mazda, when I, Ahura Mazda, gently show him his way as he asks for it.
'Ashem Vohû: Holiness is the best of all good ....
34. 'They will impart to thee full brightness and Glory.
*They will give him a quick and swift horses, and good sons.
"He wishes to go to the Law, the young king Vistâspa.'
Zarathustra said: 'Let him who is unfriendly to her become a follower of the Law of Mazda, such as we proclaim it.
35. Proclaim thou ever (unto the poor): “Ever mayest thou wait here for the refuse that is brought unto thee, brought by those who have profusion of wealth 4 !" Thus the Drug will not fall upon thee and throw thee away; thou wilt wield kingly power there 5.
36. “The Law of Mazda will not deliver thee unto pain. Thou art entreated (for charity) by the whole of the living world, and she? is ever standing at thy door in the person of thy brethren in the faith : beggars are ever standing at the door of the stranger, amongst those who beg for bread.
1 The Amesha-Spentas (see 46). 2 To Vîstâspa.
8 Hathwadh ka : Pahl. tîzki. - Cf. Vend. III, 29. • If he practises charity he will be a king even in Garôthmân.
8 Aspahê, from a-spa (no comfort, anâsânih tangîh, Pahl. Comm.). ? The Law.
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