5. "May ten sons be born of you?! In three of them mayest thou be an Athravan! In three of them mayest thou be a warrior! In three of them mayest thou be a tiller of the ground 2! And may one be like thyself, O Vistâspa !
6. 'Mayest thou be swift-horsed, like the Sun 3! "Mayest thou be resplendent, like the moon ! "Mayest thou be hot-burning, like fire! Mayest thou have piercing rays, like Mithra !
Mayest thou be tall-formed and victorious, like the devout Sraosha 4 !
7. 'Mayest thou follow a law of truth, like Rashnu 6!
"Mayest thou be a conqueror of thy foes, like Verethraghna 9, made by Ahura!
Mayest thou have fulness of welfare, like Râma Hvâstra ?!
Mayest thou be freed from sickness and death, like king Husravah 8!
8. “Then the blessing goes for the bright, allhappy, blissful abode of the holy Ones 9.
May it happen unto thee according to my blessing!
610 Let us embrace and propagate the good thoughts, good words, and good deeds that have been done and that will be done here and elsewhere, that we may be in the number of the good.
i Of Vistâspa and his wife Hutaosa. 3 Cf. Yt. XXIV, 4.
3 Cf. Sîrôzah, $ 11. 4 Cf. Yt. XI.
Cf. Yt. XII, Introduction. 6 Cf. Yt. XIV.
? Cf. Yt. XV. 8 Kai Khosrav went alive to Paradise (Firdausi). • He closes his blessing by wishing him bliss in heaven. 10 Yasna XXXV, 2 (4-5).
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