world into the undecaying one? How long did thy suffering last ?'
35. Angra Mainyu, the lying one, said: 'Ask him not what thou askest him, who has just gone the dreary way, full of fear and distress, where the body and the soul part from one another.
36. Let him eat of the food brought unto him, of poison and poisonous stench 1: this is the food, after he has perished, for the youth of evil thoughts, evil words, evil deeds, evil religion after he has perished; this is the food for the fiendish woman, rich in evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds, evil religion, ill-principled, and disobedient to her husband.
37%. “We worship the Fravashi of the holy man, whose name is Asmô-hvanvant3; then I will worship the Fravashis of the other holy Ones who were strong of faith 4.
382. We worship the memory of Ahura Mazda, to keep the Holy Word.
We worship the understanding of Ahura Mazda, to study the Holy Word.
We worship the tongue of Ahura Mazda, to speak forth the Holy Word.
We worship the mountain that gives understanding, that preserves understanding; [we worship
1 Cf. Yasna XXXI, 20: "He who would deceive the holy One, to him afterwards (will be) a long weeping in the dark place, bad food and words of insult. O wicked! this is the place down which your own conscience will bring you through your own deeds.'
? $$ 37-38, 39-40, 41-42 are separate fragments. s One of the first disciples of Zoroaster; cf. Yt. XIII, 96. • Cf. p. 33, note 2.
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