3. —'On the second night where does his soul abide ?'
4. Ahura Mazda answered: 'It takes its seat near the head, singing the Usta vaiti Gâtha and proclaiming happiness : “Happy is he, happy the man, whoever he be, to whom Ahura Mazda gives the full accomplishment of his wishes !” On that night his soul tastes as much of pleasure as the whole of the living world can taste.'
5. —'On the third night where does his soul abide ?'
6. Ahura Mazda answered: 'It takes its seat near the head, singing the Ustavaiti Gâtha and proclaiming happiness : “Happy is he, happy the man, whoever he be, to whom Ahura Mazda gives the full accomplishment of his wishes !” On that night his soul tastes as much of pleasure as the whole of the living world can taste.'
7. At the end of the third night, when the dawn appears, it seems to the soul of the faithful one as if it were brought amidst plants and scents : it seems as if a wind were blowing from the region of the south, from the regions of the south, a sweetscented wind, sweeter-scented than any other wind in the world.
8. And it seems to the soul of the faithful one as if he were inhaling that wind with the nostrils, and he thinks: Whence does that wind blow, the sweetestscented wind I ever inhaled with my nostrils ?'
9. And it seems to him as if his own conscience were advancing to him in that wind, in the shape of a maiden fair, bright, white-armed, strong, tall
? Thraosta: in Pahlavi rôisman.
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