59. A second time he stripped himself naked, wishing to seize that Glory that belongs to the Aryan nations, born and unborn, and to the holy Zarathustra. But the Glory escaped, the Glory fled away, the Glory changed its seat, and an arm of the sea Vouru-Kasha was produced, namely, that lake that is called Lake Vanghazdau ?.
602. Then the most crafty Turanian Frangrasyan rushed out of the sea Vouru-Kasha, 0 Spitama Zarathustra ! thinking evil thoughts : ....? I have not been able to conquer the Glory that belongs to the Aryan nations, born and unborn, and to the holy Zarathustra.
61. ‘Then I will defile all corn and liquors, as to greatness, goodness, and fairness.'
-'Ahura Mazda will come against thee, ever eager to create new creatures.'
Then the most crafty Turanian Frangrasyan rushed down into the sea Vouru-Kasha.
62. A third time he stripped himself naked, wishing to seize the Glory that belongs to the Aryan nations, born and unborn, and to the holy Zarathustra. But the Glory escaped, the Glory fled away, the Glory changed its seat, and an arm was produced in the sea Vouru-Kasha, namely, the water that is called Awa-dânva.
634. Then the most crafty Turanian Frangrasyan rushed out of the sea Vouru-Kasha, 0 Spitama Zarathustra! thinking evil thoughts : '....6 I have
1 The situation of that lake is not stated. Cf. $$ 57, 63. * Itha itha yathana ahmâi avatha itha yathana ahmâi. + Cf. $$ 57, 60.
• Itha itha yathana ahmâi avatha itha yathana ahmâi âvoya itha yathana ahmâi.
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