Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification.
Yath â ahở vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness ....
1. The first mountain that rose up out of the earth, O Spitama Zarathustra! was the Haraiti Barez? That mountain stretches all along the shores of the land washed by waters2 towards the east.
The second mountain was Mount Zeredhô, outsides Mount Manusha": this mountain too stretches all along the shores of the land washed by waters towards the east.
2. From there grew up Mount Ushi-dhau U shi-darena, Mount Erezifya, and Mount Fraorepa.
The sixth was Mount Erezura? The seventh was Mount Bumya 8. The eighth was Mount Raoidhita'.
1 The same as the Hara Berezaiti, the later Albórz; see p. 58, note 3.
The Caspian sea. 8 Doubtful: pârentarem aredhô; possibly beyond.
• According to the Bundahis, Manusha is another name of Mount Zeredhô (XII, 2). It is the mountain on which Mânûskîhar was born (ibid. 10).
0. The mountain that gives understanding, that preserves understanding,' the later Mount Ôsdâ stâr; see p. 33, note 1.
6 See p. 65, note 2.
? Mount Arzûr 'is a summit at the gate of hell' (Bundahis XII, 8; cf. Vend. III, 7 (23); XIX, 140).
8 The Arzûr Bam of Bundahis XII, 2, which is in the direction of Arûm' (Asia Minor, Bundahis XII, 16).
9 The Rôyisn-Ômand mountain of Bundahis XII, 27; its name
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