have not been able to smite me down in spite of myself, and Zarathustra alone can reach me in spite of myself.
20. ““He smites me with the Ahuna Vairya, as strong a weapon as a stone big as a house 1; he burns me with Asha-Vahista, as if it were melting brass? He makes it better for me that I should leave this earth, he, Spitama Zarathustra, the only one who can daunt me."
21. And the great Ashi Vanguhi exclaimed: Come nearer unto me, thou pure, holy Spitama! lean against my chariot !'
Spitama Zarathustra came nearer unto her, he leant against her chariot.
22. And she caressed him with the left arm and the right, with the right arm and the left, thus speaking: 'Thou art beautiful, O Zarathustra ! thou art well-shapen, O Spitama! strong are thy legs and long are thy arms: Glory is given to thy body and long cheerfulness & to thy soul, as sure as I proclaim it unto thee.'
III. 234. We sacrifice to Ashi Vanguhi, who is shining, high, tallformed, well worthy of sacrifice, with a loud-sounding chariot, strong, welfare-giving, healing, with fulness of intellect and powerful.
24%. To her did Haoshyangha, the Paradhâta, offer up a sacrifice, upon the enclosure of the Hara, the beautiful height, made by Mazda.
25. He begged of her a boon, saying: 'Grant
3 Cf. Yt. III. * As $ 1.
1 Cf. Vend. XIX, 4 (13). * Bliss after death. o For $$ 24-26, cf. Yt. IX, 3-6.
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