think according to the law, speak according to the law, and do according to the law.
For her 'brightness and glory, I will offer unto her a sacrifice worth being heard ....
16. We sacrifice to the most right Kista, made by Mazda and holy: we sacrifice to the good Law of the worshippers of Mazda ....
17. To whom the Athravans, sent afar?, did sacrifice 2, wishing a good memory to preach the law, and wishing strength for their own body.
For her brightness and glory, I will offer unto her a sacrifice worth being heard ....
VII. 18. We sacrifice to the most right Kista, made by Mazda and holy: we sacrifice to the good Law of the worshippers of Mazda ....
19. To whom the king of the country, the lord of the country does sacrifice, wishing peace for his country, wishing strength for his own body.
For her brightness and glory, I will offer unto her a sacrifice worth being heard ....
20. Yathâ ahū vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness .....
I bless the sacrifice and prayer, and the strength
mysteries revealed to them, on drinking from a cup prepared by the prophet (Zardust Nâmah), or from a cup of Gâstâsp-bang (Arda Vîrâf, I
1 The itinerant priests, the ancestors of the modern dervishes. 2 Or better, do sacrifice; cf. Yt. XIV, 39.
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