55. “Take thou a baresma, O holy Zarathustra ! turn it upwards or downwards, according as it is full day or dawning; upwards during the day, downwards at the dawn?.
56. 'If thou makest me worshipped with a sacrifice, then I shall say unto thee with my own voice things of health, made by Mazda and full of glory, so that Angra Mainyu may never do harm unto thee, nor the Yâtus, nor those addicted to the works of the Yâtu, whether Daêvas or men.'
57. We sacrifice unto thee, O great Vayu! we sacrifice unto thee, O strong Vayu!
We sacrifice unto Vayu, the greatest of the great ; we sacrifice unto Vayu, the strongest of the strong.
We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden helm. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden crown. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden necklace. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden chariot. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden wheel. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden weapons. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden garment. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden shoe. We sacrifice unto Vayu, of the golden girdle.
We sacrifice unto the holy Vayu; we sacrifice unto Vayu, who works highly.
To this part of thee do we sacrifice, O Vayu! that belongs to the Good Spirit.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto the awful Vayu, who works highly ....
58. Yathâ ahū vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness .... I bless the sacrifice and invocation unto, and the
· Études Iraniennes, II, 110.
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