To this Vayu do we sacrifice," this Vayu do we invoke, for this house, for the master of this house, and for the man here who is offering libations and giving gifts. To this excellent God do we sacrifice, that he may accept our meat and our prayers, and grant us in return to crush our enemies at one stroke.
21. To him did the Maker, Ahura Mazda, offer up a sacrifice in the Airyana Vaêgah', on a golden throne, under golden beams 2 and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling (milk].
3. He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly“, that I may smite the creation of Angra Mainyu, and that nobody may smite this creation of the Good Spirit !
4. Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it.
5. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu: we sacrifice to Vayu, who works highly.
To this part of thee do we sacrifice, O Vayu! that belongs to Spenta Mainyu”.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto the awful Vayu, who works highly. We offer up a sacrifice unto the awful Vayu, who works highly, with the libations, with the Haoma and meat, with the baresma, with the wisdom of the tongue, with the
1 Cf. Yt. V, 17.
* Fraspât, Persian www. 8 Cf. p. 169, note 5.
* See p. 10, note 4. o As Vayu, the atmosphere, is the place in which the conflict of the two principles takes place, one part of him belongs to the Evil Spirit (see Vend. Introd. IV, 17).
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