XX. 61. We sacrifice to Verethraghna, made by Ahura.
Yathâ ahů vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness ....
In the ox is our strength, in the ox is our need? ; in the ox is our speech, in the ox is our victory ; in the ox is our food, in the ox is our clothing; in the ox is tillage, that makes food grow for us.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
XXI. 62. We sacrifice to Verethraghna, made by Ahura;
Who breaks the columns asunder, who cuts the columns to pieces, who wounds the columns, who makes the columns shake; who comes and breaks the columns asunder, who comes and cuts the columns to pieces, who comes and wounds the columns, who comes and makes the columns shake, both of Daêvas and men, of the Yâtus and Pairikas, of the oppressors, the blind, and the deaf.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
XXII. 63. We sacrifice to Verethraghna, made by Ahura.
When Verethraghna, made by Ahura, binds the hands, confounds the eye-sight, takes the hearing
1 From Yasna X, 20 (62), where, instead of the words, 'in the ox is our strength (amem), in the ox is our need,' the text has, in the ox is his need, in the ox is our need,' meaning, 'when we give him his need (water and grass), he gives us our need (milk and calves),' (Pahl. tr.).
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