2 20
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Varedathvarenah ;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Vourunemah;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Vourusavah?;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Ukhshyatereta 2;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Ukhshyatnemah 3;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy ASTVATERETA 4;
XXVIII. 129. Whose name will be the victorious SAOSHYANT and whose name will be Astvat-ereta. He will be SAOSHYANT (the Beneficent One), because he will benefit the whole bodily world; he will be ASTVAT-ERETA (he who makes the bodily creatures
1 The six foremost helpers of Saoshyant, each in one of the six Karshvares : It is said that in the fifty-seven years, which are the period of the raising of the dead, Roshanô-kashm in Arzâh, Khûrkashm in Savâh, Frâdad-gadman (Frâdat-hvarenô, Increaser of Glory) in Fradadâfsh, Vâredad-gadman (Varedat-hvarenÔ, Multiplier of Glory) in Vîdadâfsh, Kâmak-vakhshisn (Vouru-nemô, Prayer-loving) in Vôrûbarst, and Kâmak-sûd (Vouru-savô, Weal-loving) in Vôrûgarst, while Sôshậns in the illustrious and pure Khvaniras is connected with them, are immortal. The completely good sense, perfect hearing, and full glory of those seven producers of the renovation are so miraculous that they converse from region unto region, every one together with the six others' (Dâdistân XXXVI, 5-6; tr. West).
The first brother and forerunner to Saoshyant, the Oshedar mâh of later tradition (see above, p. 196, note 2; cf. § 141, note).
$ The second brother and forerunner to Saoshyant, the Oshedar bâmî of later tradition (ibid. ; cf. $ 142, note).
• Saoshyant; cf. following paragraph and $$ 110, 117.
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