106. We worship the Fravashi of the holy Ashastu, the son of Maidhyô-maungha?
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Avarethrabah, the son of Rästare-vaghant.
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Bagra, the son of Dâzgarâspa.
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Zbaurvant;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy and gallant Karesna ?, the son of Zbaurvant; who was the incarnate Word, mighty-speared and lordly;
107. In whose house did walk the good, beautiful, shining Ashi Vanguhi, in the shape of a maid fair of body, most strong, tall-formed, high-up girded, pure, nobly born of a glorious seeds; who, rushing to the battle, knew how to make room for himself with his own arms; who, rushing to the battle, knew how to fight the foe with his own arms.
108. We worship the Fravashi of the holy Vfrâspa, the son of Karesna;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Åzâta, the son of Karesna:
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Frâyaodha, the son of Karesna.
We worship the Fravashi of the holy and good Arshya; Arshya, the chief in assemblies, the most energetic of the worshippers of Mazda.
of the Holy Word') was apparently a great doctor and confounder of heresies.
1 See above, $ 95.
* Possibly the eponym of that great Kâren family, which played so great a part in the history of the Sassanian times, and traced its origin to the time of Gâstâsp (Noeldeke, Geschichte der Perser zur Zeit der Sasaniden, p. 437). .: Cf. Yt. V, 64.
* Cf. Yt. XIII, 99. [23]
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