who first listened unto the thought and teaching of Ahura Mazda; of whom Ahura formed the race of the Aryan nations, the seed of the Aryan nations.
We worship the piety and the Fravashi of the holy Zarathustra ;
88. Who first thought what is good, who first spoke what is good, who first did what is good; who was the first Priest, the first Warrior, the first Plougher of the ground 1; who first knew and first taught; who first possessed 2 and first took possession of the Bull, of Holiness 4, of the Word, the obedience to the Word, and dominion, and all the good things made by Mazda, that are the offspring of the good Principle ;
89. Who was the first Priest, the first Warrior, the first Plougher of the ground; who first took the turning of the wheel 6 from the hands of the Daêva and of the cold-hearted man; who first in the material world pronounced the praise of Asha, thus bringing the Daêvas to naught, and confessed himself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathustra, one who hates the Daêvas, and obeys the laws of Ahura.
90. Who first in the material world said the word that destroys the Daêvas, the law of Ahura; who first in the material world proclaimed the word that destroys the Daêvas, the law of Ahura; who
1 As having established those three classes. His three earthly sons, Isal-vâstra, Urvatat-nara, and Hvare-kithra ($ 98), were the chiefs of the three classes. Cf. Vend. Introd. III, 15, note 3. * Doubtful.
Cf. Yasna XXIX, 8. • The divine Order, Asha.
• The wheel of sovereignty (?); cf. Yt. X, 67; this expression smacks of Buddhism.
Who first pronounced the Ashem Vohû; cf. Yt. XXI.
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