Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification.
Yathâ ahở vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness....
1. The holy (Zarathustra) asked him 1: 'O holy Ahura Mazda! I ask thee; answer me with words of truth, thou who knowest the truth. Thou art undeceivable, thou hast an undeceivable understanding; thou art undeceivable, as thou knowest everything.
What of the Holy Word is created true? what is created progress-making? what is fit to discern? what is healthful ? what is wise ? what is happy and more powerful to destroy than all other creatures ? ?'
2. Ahura Mazda answered: 'I will declare that unto thee, O pure, holy Spitama!
The most glorious Holy Word (itself), this is what in the Holy Word is created true, what is created progress making, what is fit to discern, what is healthful, wise, and happy, what is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures.'
3. Ahura Mazda said: 'Bind up a three-twigged baresma against the way of the sun. [Address] unto me, Ahura Mazda, these words : “We invoke, we bless [Ahura]s; I invoke the friendship (of Ahura] towards this var 4 prepared, towards the fire and the baresma, towards the full boiling (milk], towards the vart of oil and the sap of the plants."
1 Ahura Mazda.
. Cf. Yt. I, i seq. & The text is apparently corrupt and has literally, We invoke, we bless me, Ahura Mazda.'
* See following page, note 3.
5 Possibly, waters; cf. Yt. V, 132 and Vend. IV, 46 [128], 54 [154] seq.
* Literally, the fat.
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