XIX. 73. We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake;
*Who, with hands lifted up, rejoicing, cries out, speaking thus:
74.““O Ahura Mazda, most beneficent spirit ! Maker of the material world, thou Holy One!
""If men would worship me with a sacrifice in which I were invoked by my own name, as they worship the other gods with sacrifices in which they are invoked by their own names, then I should come to the faithful at the appointed time; I should come in the appointed time of my beautiful, immortal life 2.”
75. May we keep our field; may we never be exiles 3 from our field, exiles from our house, exiles from our borough, exiles from our town, exiles from our country.
76. `Thou dashest in pieces the malice of the malicious, the malice of the men of malice: dash thou in pieces the killers of faithful men!
'Thou hast good horses, thou hast a good chariot: thou art bringing help at every appeal, and art powerful.
77. 'I will pray unto thee for help, with many consecrations, with good consecrations of libations ; with many offerings, with good offerings of libations, that we, abiding in thee, may long inhabit a good abode, full of all the riches that can be wished for.
1 They have worshipped him and he has consequently overcome the Mithradruges ; this accounts for the word rejoicing. 2 Cf. Yt. X, 55.
s Iric; cf. linquo.
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