vares?; delivering”; happy8; undeceivable; endowed with many senses*; a creature of wisdom;
62. "Who gives neither strength nor vigour to him who has lied unto Mithra; who gives neither glory nor any boon to him who has lied unto Mithra.
63. 'Thou takest away the strength from their arms, being angry and all-powerful; thou takest the swiftness from their feet, the eye-sight from their eyes, the hearing from their ears.
Not the wound of the well-sharpened spear or of the flying arrow reaches that man to whom Mithra comes for help with all the strength of his soul, he, of the ten-thousand spies, the powerful, all-knowing, undeceivable god.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
XVI. 64. "We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake;
*Who takes possession of the beautiful, wideexpanding law, greatly and powerfully, and whose face looks over all the seven Karshvares of the earth;
65. Who is swift amongst the swift, liberal amongst the liberal, strong amongst the strong, a chief of assembly amongst the chiefs of assemblies; increase-giving, fatness-giving, cattle-giving, sovereignty-giving, son-giving, cheerfulness ?-giving, and bliss 7-giving
1 Karsô-râzanghem: kêsvar virâi (Pahl. tr. ibid.). 2 From Ahriman;cf.Yasna XXIX,6 (vyâna=vikârisn,visuddhata.)
8 Yaokhstivant: kâmakômand (possessing whatever he wishes for, Vend. XX, 1 (3]). * See Yt. X, 82, note.
From Yt. X, 23–24. • Cf. Yasna XLIII, 7: vyânayâ: amat vandînît, yat grihnâti. ? Cf. Yt. X, 5, P. 121, notes i and 2.
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