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who, foremost in a golden array, takes hold of the beautiful summits, and from thence looks over the abode of the Aryans with a beneficent eye.
14. Where the valiant chiefs draw up their many troops in arraył; where the high mountains, rich in pastures and waters, yield plenty to the cattle? ; where the deep lakes, with salt waters, stands; where wide-flowing rivers swell and hurry towards Iskata and Pouruta, Mouru and Harôyu, the GayaSughdha and Hvairizem*;
15. On Arezahi and Savahi, on Fradadhafshu and Vidadhafshu, on Vourubaresti and Vourugaresti, on this bright Karshvare of Hvaniratha", the abode of cattle, the dwelling of cattle, the powerful Mithra looks with a health-bringing eye;
16. 'He who moves along all the Karshvares, a Yazata unseen, and brings glory; he who moves along all the Karshvares, a Yazata unseen, and brings sovereignty; and increases strength for
1 In the flat countries. * In the mountainous parts of Iran. s In the lake regions (Seistan, Farsistan, Âdarbaigân).
* In the country of the large rivers in the East. Mouru is Marv (Margiana), with the Murghâb river (the Margus); Harôyu is the Herat country, with the Harêrûd; Gava-Sughdha and Hvârizm are Sogdiana and Khvârizm, with the Oxus. The situation of Iskata and Pouruta is not clear: one might think of Alexander eschata on the laxartes and the Paretacene country between the Oxus and the laxartes.
• The earth is divided into seven Karshvares, separated from one another by seas and mountains impassable to men. Arezahi and Savahi are the western and the eastern Karshvare; Fradadhafshu and Vîdadhafshu are in the south; Vourubaresti and Vourugaresti are in the north; Hvaniratha is the central Karshvare. Hvaniratha is the only Karshvare inhabited by man (Bundahis XI, 3).
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