tall Ashis Vanguhi1 and Pârendi? on her light chariot : always till, in his course, he reached Mount Hvanvant on the shining waters .
For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
39. 'We sacrifice unto Tistrya, the bright and glorious star, who afflicts the Pairikas, who destroys the Pairikas, that Angra Mainyus flung to stop all the stars that have in them the seed of the waters 4.
40. 'Tistrya afflicts them, he blows them away from the sea Vouru-Kasha; then the wind blows the clouds forward, bearing the waters of fertility, so that the friendly showers spread wide over, they spread helpingly and friendly over the seven Karshvares.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard....
XI. 41. 'We sacrifice unto Tistrya, the bright and glorious star, for whom long the standing waters, and the running spring-waters, the stream-waters, and the rain-waters :
42. "When will the bright and glorious Tistrya rise up for us? When will the springs with a flow and overflow of waters, thick as a horse's shoulder, run to the beautiful places and fields, and to the
1 See Yt. XVII.
* See above, p. II, note 5. s Doubtful. Mount Hvanvant, being situated in the sea VouruKasha (as appears from Tistrya travelling towards that sea, § 38), seems to be the same with Mount Aůsindôm ($ 32).
4 Cf. above, $ 8.
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