with light, moving in the shape of a man of fifteen years of age ?, bright, with clear eyes, tall, full of strength, strong, and clever.
14. 'He is active as the first man ? was; he goes on with the strength of the first man; he has the virility of the first man.
154 'Here he calls for people to assemble, here he asks, saying: “Who now will offer me the libations with the Haoma and the holy meat? To whom shall I give wealth of male children, a troop of male children, and the purification of his own soul? Now I ought to receive sacrifice and prayer in the material world, by the law of excellent holiness.”
16. 'The next ten nights, O Spitama Zarathustra! the bright and glorious Tistrya mingles his shape with light, moving in the shape of a golden-horned bull.
17. 'Here he calls for people to assemble, here he asks, saying: "Who now will offer me the libations with the Haoma and the holy meat ? To whom shall I give wealth of oxen, a herd of oxen, and the purification of his own soul ? Now I ought to receive sacrifice and prayer in the material world, by the law of excellent holiness.”
18. “The next ten nights, O Spitama Zarathustra! the bright and glorious Tistrya mingles his shape with light, moving in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison.
1 The age of fifteen is the paradisiacal age in the Avesta (Yasna IX, 5 [18]).
Gayô maratan. But the translation is doubtful; possibly as a first-rate man is.' : Doubtful; cf. erezi, Yt. XIV, 29.
• Cf. Yt. V, 8. 6 Cf. Vend. XIX, 37 (123).
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