pastures, who has a thousand ears, ten thousand eyes.
I will sacrifice unto the club of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, well struck down' upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
I will sacrifice unto that friendship, the best of all friendships, that reigns between the moon and the sun?
6. For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto the undying, shining, swifthorsed Sun. Unto the undying, shining, swift-horsed Sun we offer up the libations, the Haoma and meat, the baresma, the wisdom of the tongue, the holy spells, the speech, the deeds, the libations, and the rightly-spoken words.
Yênhê hâtãm: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda ...
7. Yathâ ahû vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness....
I bless the sacrifice and the invocation, and the strength and vigour of the undying, shining, swifthorsed Sun.
Ashem Voha: Holiness is the best of all good ...,
Give unto that man brightness and glory, give him health of body, .... give him the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones.
1 Hunivikhtem: suniyuktam (Sansk.tr.); soldi wes (Pers.tr.). ? As they succeed one another in regular order. 3 Cf. Yt. III, 18.
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